快速导航 全部展开
- new Swipe(实例化)
- new Swiper(swiperContainer, parameters) :
- Basic(基础参数)
- initialSlide :0
- direction :horizontal
- speed :300
- grabCursor :false
- watchSlidesProgress :false
- setWrapperSize :false
- virtualTranslate :false
- width :
- height :
- roundLengths :false
- breakpoints :
- breakpointsBase :window
- autoHeight :false
- uniqueNavElements :true
- nested :false
- watchOverflow :false
- runCallbacksOnInit :true
- init :true
- on :
- preloadImages :true
- updateOnImagesReady :true
- cssMode :false
- updateOnWindowResize :true
- enabled :true
- createElements :false
- rewind :false
- maxBackfaceHiddenSlides :10
- modules :''
- Carousel(轮播)
- slidesPerView :1
- centeredSlides :false
- centeredSlidesBounds :false
- slidesPerGroup :1
- slidesPerGroupSkip :0
- slidesPerGroupAuto :false
- spaceBetween :0
- slidesOffsetBefore :0
- slidesOffsetAfter :0
- normalizeSlideIndex :true
- centerInsufficientSlides :false
- Loop(循环)
- loop :false
- loopAdditionalSlides :0
- loopedSlides :1
- loopFillGroupWithBlank :false
- loopPreventsSlide :true
- Clicks(点击)
- preventClicks :true
- preventClicksPropagation :true
- slideToClickedSlide :false
- Touches(触发条件)
- touchRatio :1
- simulateTouch :true
- allowTouchMove :true
- followFinger :true
- shortSwipes :true
- longSwipes :true
- longSwipesMs :300
- longSwipesRatio :0.5
- threshold :false
- touchAngle :45
- touchStartPreventDefault :true
- touchStartForcePreventDefault :false
- touchMoveStopPropagation :false
- resistance :true
- resistanceRatio :0.85
- edgeSwipeDetection :false
- edgeSwipeThreshold :20
- passiveListeners :true
- touchReleaseOnEdges :false
- touchEventsTarget :"wrapper"
- Swiping / No Swiping(禁止切换)
- noSwiping :true
- noSwipingClass :swiper-no-swiping
- noSwipingSelector :
- allowSlideNext :true
- allowSlidePrev :true
- swipeHandler :null
- focusableElements :input, select, option, textarea, button, video, label
- preventInteractionOnTransition :false
- Observer(监听)
- observer :false
- observeParents :false
- observeSlideChildren :false
- resizeObserver :true
- Namespace(命名空间)
- wrapperClass :
- slideClass :
- slideActiveClass :
- slideVisibleClass :
- slideDuplicateClass :
- slideNextClass :
- slidePrevClass :
- slideDuplicatedActiveClass :
- slideDuplicatedNextClass :
- slideDuplicatedPrevClass :
- containerModifierClass :
- Events(事件)
- init(swiper) :
- touchStart(swiper,event) :
- touchMove(swiper,event) :
- touchEnd(swiper,event) :
- slideChangeTransitionStart(swiper) :
- slideChangeTransitionEnd(swiper) :
- imagesReady(swiper) :
- transitionStart(swiper) :
- transitionEnd(swiper) :
- touchMoveOpposite(swiper,event) :
- sliderMove(swiper,event) :
- click(swiper,event) :
- tap(swiper,event) :
- doubleTap(swiper,event) :
- progress(swiper,progress) :
- reachBeginning(swiper) :
- beforeDestroy(swiper) :
- reachEnd(swiper) :
- setTransition(swiper,transition) :
- resize(swiper) :
- setTranslate(swiper,translate) :
- slideNextTransitionStart(swiper) :
- slideNextTransitionEnd(swiper) :
- slidePrevTransitionStart(swiper) :
- slidePrevTransitionEnd(swiper) :
- fromEdge(swiper) :
- toEdge(swiper) :
- slideChange(swiper) :
- beforeLoopFix(swiper) :
- loopFix(swiper) :
- observerUpdate(swiper) :
- breakpoint(swiper) :
- Properties(Swiper属性)
- mySwiper.activeIndex :
- mySwiper.realIndex :
- mySwiper.previousIndex :
- mySwiper.width :
- mySwiper.height :
- mySwiper.touches :
- mySwiper.params :
- mySwiper.$el :
- mySwiper.$wrapperEl :
- mySwiper.slides :
- mySwiper.translate :
- mySwiper.progress :
- mySwiper.isBeginning :
- mySwiper.isEnd :
- mySwiper.animating :
- mySwiper.clickedIndex :
- mySwiper.clickedSlide :
- mySwiper.allowSlideNext :
- mySwiper.allowSlidePrev :
- mySwiper.allowTouchMove :
- Methods(Swiper方法)
- mySwiper.slideNext(speed, runCallbacks) :
- mySwiper.slidePrev(speed,runCallbacks) :
- mySwiper.slideTo(index, speed, runCallbacks) :
- mySwiper.slideToLoop(index, speed, runCallbacks) :
- mySwiper.destroy(deleteInstance, cleanupStyles) :
- mySwiper.getTranslate() :
- mySwiper.setTranslate(translate) :
- mySwiper.updateSize() :
- mySwiper.updateSlides() :
- mySwiper.updateProgress() :
- mySwiper.updateSlidesClasses() :
- mySwiper.update(updateTranslate) :
- mySwiper.detachEvents() :
- mySwiper.attachEvents() :
- mySwiper.on(event,handler) :
- mySwiper.once(event,handler) :
- mySwiper.off(event) :
- mySwiper.off(event, handler) :
- mySwiper.setGrabCursor() :
- mySwiper.unsetGrabCursor() :
- mySwiper.updateAutoHeight(speed) :
- mySwiper.slideToClosest(speed, runCallbacks) :
- mySwiper.changeDirection(direction) :
- mySwiper.translateTo(translate, speed, ...) :
- mySwiper.setProgress(progress, speed) :
- mySwiper.enable() :
- mySwiper.disable() :
- Autoplay(自动播放)
- autoplay :false
- delay :3000
- stopOnLastSlide :false
- disableOnInteraction :true
- reverseDirection :false
- waitForTransition :true
- pauseOnMouseEnter :false
- mySwiper.autoplay.running :
- mySwiper.autoplay.start() :
- mySwiper.autoplay.stop() :
- autoplay(swiper) :
- autoplayPause(swiper) :
- autoplayResume(swiper) :
- autoplayStart(swiper) :
- autoplayStop(swiper) :
- Free Mode(自由模式/撞击反弹)
- freeMode :false
- enabled :true
- momentum :true
- momentumBounce :true
- momentumBounceRatio :1
- momentumRatio :1
- minimumVelocity :0.02
- momentumVelocityRatio :1
- sticky :false
- Manipulation(操控)
- mySwiper.appendSlide(slides) :
- mySwiper.prependSlide(slides) :
- mySwiper.addSlide(index, slides); :
- mySwiper.removeSlide(index) :
- mySwiper.removeAllSlides() :
- Parallax(视差)
- parallax :false
- Effects(切换特效)
- effect :slide
- fadeEffect :
- cubeEffect :
- coverflowEffect :
- flipEffect :
- cardsEffect :
- creativeEffect :
- Pagination(分页)
- pagination :
- el :null
- type :bullets
- progressbarOpposite :false
- bulletElement :span
- dynamicBullets :false
- dynamicMainBullets :1
- hideOnClick :false
- clickable :false
- renderBullet(index, className) :null
- renderFraction() :null
- renderProgressbar() :null
- renderCustom() :null
- formatFractionCurrent :
- formatFractionTotal :
- bulletClass :swiper-pagination-bullet
- bulletActiveClass :swiper-pagination-bullet-active
- modifierClass :swiper-pagination-
- currentClass :swiper-pagination-current
- totalClass :swiper-pagination-total
- hiddenClass :swiper-pagination-hidden
- progressbarFillClass :swiper-pagination-progressbar-fill
- clickableClass :swiper-pagination-clickable
- mySwiper.pagination.el :
- mySwiper.pagination.bullets :
- mySwiper.pagination.render() :
- mySwiper.pagination.update() :
- paginationHide :
- paginationShow :
- paginationRender(swiper, paginationEl) :
- paginationUpdate(swiper, paginationEl) :
- Navigation Buttons(前后切换按钮)
- navigation :
- nextEl :null
- prevEl :null
- hideOnClick :false
- disabledClass :swiper-button-disabled
- hiddenClass :swiper-button-hidden
- mySwiper.navigation.nextEl :
- mySwiper.navigation.prevEl :
- mySwiper.navigation.update() :
- navigationHide :
- navigationShow :
- Scollbar(滚动条)
- scrollbar :
- el :null
- hide :false
- draggable :false
- snapOnRelease :true
- dragSize :
- mySwiper.scrollbar.el :
- mySwiper.scrollbar.dragEl :
- mySwiper.scrollbar.updateSize() :
- Keyboard(键盘)
- keyboard :false
- enabled :false
- onlyInViewport :true
- mySwiper.keyboard.enabled :
- mySwiper.keyboard.enable() :
- mySwiper.keyboard.disable() :
- keyPress() :
- pageUpDown :true
- Mousewheel(鼠标滚动)
- mousewheel :false
- forceToAxis :false
- releaseOnEdges :false
- invert :false
- sensitivity :1
- eventsTarged :container
- mySwiper.mousewheel.enabled :
- mySwiper.mousewheel.enable() :
- mySwiper.mousewheel.disable() :
- thresholdDelta :null
- thresholdTime :null
- Lazy Loading(延迟加载)
- lazy :false
- loadPrevNext :false
- loadPrevNextAmount :1
- loadOnTransitionStart :false
- elementClass :swiper-lazy
- loadingClass :swiper-lazy-loading
- loadedClass :swiper-lazy-loaded
- preloaderClass :swiper-lazy-preloader
- mySwiper.lazy.load() :
- mySwiper.lazy.loadInSlide(index) :
- lazyImageLoad(swiper, slideEl, imageEl) :
- lazyImageReady(swiper, slideEl, imageEl) :
- Zoom(调焦)
- zoom :
- maxRatio :3
- minRatio :1
- toggle :true
- containerClass :swiper-zoom-container
- zoomedSlideClass :swiper-slide-zoomed
- mySwiper.zoom.enabled :
- mySwiper.zoom.scale :
- mySwiper.zoom.enable() :
- mySwiper.zoom.disable() :
- mySwiper.zoom.toggle() :
- mySwiper.zoom.in() :
- mySwiper.zoom.out() :
- zoomChange :
- Controller(双向控制)
- controller :
- control :null
- inverse :false
- By :slide
- Thumbs(缩略图)
- thumbs :
- swiper :
- slideThumbActiveClass :swiper-slide-thumb-active
- thumbsContainerClass :swiper-container-thumbs
- mySwiper.thumbs.swiper :
- multipleActiveThumbs :true
- autoScrollOffset :0
- Virtual Slides(虚拟slide)
- virtual :
- slides :[]
- cache :true
- renderSlide :null
- renderExternal :null
- addSlidesBefore :0
- addSlidesAfter :0
- mySwiper.virtual.cache :
- mySwiper.virtual.from :
- mySwiper.virtual.to :
- mySwiper.virtual.slides :
- mySwiper.virtual.appendSlide(slide) :
- mySwiper.virtual.prependSlide(slide) :
- mySwiper.virtual.update() :
- mySwiper.virtual.removeSlide(slideIndexes); :
- mySwiper.virtual.removeAllSlides() :
- Hash Navigation(锚导航)
- hashNavigation :false
- watchState :false
- replaceState :false
- hashChange :
- hashSet :
- History Navigation(历史导航)
- history :
- replaceState :false
- key :slides
- root :
- A11y(无障碍阅读)
- a11y :
Swiper 的每个展示块(屏)为一个slide
中,而总容器container 又包裹着wrapper和箭头按钮控件navigation以及分页器控件pagination。
Swiper5 增加了CSS模式(cssMode),并且可以通过CSS文件修改Swiper颜色风格。
Swiper4 将组件的相关选项整合起来了,并且修改了回调函数获取swiper 实例的方式为
关键词。Swiper3 Swiper4 Swiper5重要变化
<script> var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', { autoplay: { stopOnLastSlide: true } }) </script>
<script> var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', { autoplay: 3000, stopOnLastSlide: true }) </script>
<script> var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', { el: '.swiper-pagination', clickable: true, }) </script>
<script> var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', { pagination: '.swiper-pagination', paginationClickable: true }) </script>
<script> var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', { on: { click:function(){ console.log(this.clickedIndex) } } }) </script>
<script> var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', { onClick: function(swiper){ console.log(this.clickedIndex) } }) </script>
模块 | 功能 | 版本 |
Navigation | 按钮 | |
Pagination | 分页器 | |
Scrollbar | 滚动条 | |
Autoplay | 自动切换 | |
FreeMode | 自由模式 | 7.0.0 |
Grid | 网格分布 | 7.0.0 |
Manipulation | 动态操纵 | 7.0.0 |
Parallax | 视差效果 | |
Lazy | 延迟加载图片 | |
EffectFade | 渐变过渡 | |
EffectCoverflow | 行进翻转过渡 | |
EffectFlip | 翻转过渡 | |
EffectCube | 方块过渡 | |
EffectCards | 卡片过渡 | 7.0.0 |
EffectCreative | 创意性过渡 | 7.0.0 |
Thumbs | 缩略图 | 4.4.1 |
Zoom | 缩放 | |
Keyboard | 键盘 | |
Mousewheel | 鼠标 | |
Virtual | 虚拟块 | |
HashNavigation | 锚导航 | |
History | 历史导航 | |
Controller | 双向控制 | |
A11y | 障碍使用辅助 |
- 请求信息 : 2025-02-22 02:15:58 HTTP/2.0 GET : https://swiperjs.net/swiper-doc
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- 查询信息 : 57 queries
- 缓存信息 : 5 reads,0 writes
- 会话信息 : SESSION_ID=1f9d39fc1054384da25a91212d9b5b17
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- /www/wwwroot/swiperjs.net/vendor/topthink/framework/src/think/Log.php ( 8.50 KB )
- /www/wwwroot/swiperjs.net/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/LoggerInterface.php ( 3.04 KB )
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- /www/wwwroot/swiperjs.net/vendor/topthink/think-orm/src/db/Builder.php ( 39.61 KB )
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- /www/wwwroot/swiperjs.net/vendor/topthink/think-orm/src/db/concern/TimeFieldQuery.php ( 7.50 KB )
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- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '16' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.003414s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '15' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.002788s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '14' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.003555s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '13' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.006416s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '12' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.004030s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '11' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.003617s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '10' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.003402s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '9' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.004010s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '8' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.004016s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '7' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.004348s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '6' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.003009s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '5' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.003514s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '4' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.004634s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '3' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.003277s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '2' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.003029s ]
- SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_status` = '1' AND `post`.`post_type` = '1' AND `post`.`delete_time` = '0' AND `post`.`tid` = '1' AND ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < '1740161758' ) GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.002835s ]